Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Yarnscape Blog!

Hi! And welcome to Yarnscape!

This is me, just starting out with making my hand-dyed yarns and fibres available to the public. And hand-carded batts, too. I love playing with colour almost as much as I love playing with fibre, and though I can spin faster than I can knit, I can dye even faster than I can spin! So I'm looking forwards to sharing my overabundant creativity with the rest of the world, and hopefully spreading a little joy as I go.

To start with, I will be trading on Etsy and Folksy, though I hope to have my own shop set up here in the near future. There's nothing to buy yet, because I find taking good photographs to be the hardest part of the whole business (the one of the 'chocolate cherries' roving up there is courtesy of my lovely and long-suffering other half), but I hope that there will be listings up soon!

I will be introducing my yarns over the next few weeks, and listing as I go. Please come back often to find out more about my products, or even better, follow me here or on twitter, or subscribe to my rss feed!

Oh, and comments are always, always welcome. Please, come and talk to me!

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